Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Instruments of Ifugaos and Negritos free essay sample

Filipino instrument that is used to make percussion sounds that resemble those of maracas. The instrument has a long, thin wooden handle, and, when it is played, it is struck with another long, slim piece of wood to produce the distinctive sound. Tongali Four-holed nose flute. There are stories from this region that say that the nose flute was used to help rice grow when it was young, as the rice was attracted to the soft sounds of the flute, and would grow to put its ear above the water to hear it better. Paldong lip valley flute, Open bamboo pipe, top end cut at an angle. Bangibang Set of at least seven wooden bars made of hard wood. Each bar has its own pitch and is hit by the player with a short stick of hard wood. Players have one stick each and play their own rhythmic pattern, which fall together. Instruments of negritos Pas-ing the strings which are made of thin strips of bamboo still attached to the main body raised by small wooden bridges for ease in plucking them. The main body is a piece of bamboo cut with both ends closed by the node. These bamboo instruments produce short, detached sounds that are distinctly different from the twangy sounds of the guitar. Kalaleng a  nose flute  made from  bamboo  from the  Philippines. Usually around two feet in length a kalaleng has holes cut in the side, to be stopped by the fingers producing the notes. The player closes one nostril with a bit of  cotton, then forces the air from the other into a small hold cut in the end of the tube. Litguit traditional Filipino instrument that is used to make percussion sounds that resemble those of maracas. The instrument has a long, thin wooden handle, and, when it is played, it is struck with another long, slim piece of wood to produce the distinctive sound. Songs of Negrito Duerme Negrito Duerme, duerme, negrito que tu mama esta~en el campo, negrito te va~a traer codornices para ti te va~a traer rica fruta para ti te va~a traer muchas cosas para ti. Y si el negro no se duerme viene el diablo blanco y zas le come la patita chacapo, chacapo, chacapo, chacapo, chacapo, chacapo, lay laray la la laray la que tu mama esta en el campo negrito, trabajando, (si) trabajando,todo el dia, trabajando, si. Duerme, duerme, negrito que tu mama esta en el campo negrito, negrito Sandia Te contare la historia muy triste de recordar, que trata de un negrito con cara angelical. Pero segun memoria, al aprender a hablar, salio mas deslenguado que un perico de arrabal. Negrito Sandia ya no diga picardia Negrito Sandia o te acuso con tu tia. Y mientras ella te va a agarrar en los cajones he de buscar una libreta para apuntar los garrotazos que te va a dar. Con el palo que utiliza el castigo te horroriza. Y despues de la paliza me voy a morir de risa. Negrito Sandia ya no diga picardia O ya vera, O ya vera. Y sigue aqui el cuento, tan triste de repetir, de aquel negrito lindo igual a un querubin. Por su comportamiento consejos yo le di, y como buen ingrato los guardo en un calcetin. Negrito Sandia (mareas) cuando dices tonterias (tan feas) y te sale ? cataplum! de la boca una culebrita loca. El dia que sea mayor de edad, y te presentes en sociedad, seras grosero y descortes cuando discutas con un marques. Pues siguiendo tu costumbre hablaras hechando lumbre. ademas, de buena gana, te echaran por la ventana. Negrito Sandia ya no diga groserias. O ya vera. O ya vera. Songs of Ifugao Hitun Algo Hitun Algo an e nadatngan An e taku punhi-anan Tun adol way naminhodan Tun adol an e uumyong Chorus Hi bigbigat ume kami Mu adim ot anhan kaliwan Hantun mahmo an tagu An e midaddawi ke dakayu Dakol da di binabai An mestisay ang-ang da Mo maid pinhod un dida Te heay di impuhuwan Nomnomnomom adim kal-iwan Handin kinalik ke hea Te maid udum hi pinpinhod ko Ten hea ya abuh Itetem (Gopnad Version) Itetem ta humgopa Ti teh tu an nakatolak An nalpuh nidaddawi Nidaddawi-dawin bole Itetem itetem inoh ta humgopa Humgop ka humgop ka hi bale ta Te neyan nakaktol ka hmm hmm Humgopka hi bale ta te neyan nakaktol ka Imnas (3x) balbalala Imnas Balbalasibasem oh Imnas ay ay ay ay Dumlig ka ta umbonak Ti teh tu an nakableyak An nalpu nidaddawi Nidaddawi-dawin bole Dumlig ka Dumlig Ka inoh ta umbonak Dumligak Dumligak ta umbon ta Te neyan nakable ka hmm hmm Te neyan nakable ka Nunhilbi hi tatagu Imnas (3x) balbalala Imnas Balbalasibasem oh Imnas ay ay ay ay Mun akud Ka ta mangan ta Ti teh tu nakaaganganak An nalpuh nidaddawi Nidaddawi-dawin bole mun akud ka mun akud ka inoh ta mangan ta Mangan ta kanon tay intamu ta Intamu ta an tinawon hmm hmm Anun tay intamu ta intamu ta an tinawon Imnas (3x) balbalala Imnas Balbalasibasem oh Imnas ay ay ay ay Iyabok mu ta malok ta Ti teh tu makahuyhuyupak An nalpuh nidaddawi Nidaddawi-dawin bole Iyabok mo Iyabok mu inoh ta malok ta Music of Mindanao KaseladengPalagoy kaseladeng Ka kerarab a kalasan. | DeerRun, run away, deer For the forest is burning. | KatebonanOman ko katademan A kiyatebonan o taw, Na rabayin ako a lo. | Tabon EggsAs I recall the time that People searched for tabon eggs, My tears run down my cheeks. | KanditagawnanAdaw Ditagawnan, Na pamola ka sa obi Na gawnen ta imanto Na itinda ta bo amay A ken o madakel a taw. | ChumsHey Chum, Plant camote which Today we shall harvest And cook tomorrow For the people to eat. | KapelawlawdMelawdlawd ako Ka da kawanan da diwang; Miyangarodan ako Ka da diwang da kawanan.

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